
Showing posts from August, 2022

Emily Dickinson poetry

Today we learned about Emily and read 2 of her poems. We talked about what’s normal and not normal.

2 more Emily Dickinson poems

Today we talked about Emily Dickinson again. We read 2 of her poems, and we analyzed them. At the end we made a connection to the poems.

Bell Ringer

I think the probability of life outside of eart  is probably likely. I also think that there is life outside of earth it might not be human but I do believe that there are creatures on other planets. My reaction to the picture wow we all are living on this little dot. I wonder what the other planets look like up close. Hearing  those sounds from the black whole only proves my claim that there are creatures on other planets.

Creative Writing

For today's lesson, we built a character and created a 12 sentence story 

What do you think your purpose in life is?

My purpose in life is to be a helpful loving caring person no matter how successful   I am in life or  how life may through me lemon I will make lemonade out of it and drink up because one thing I know helping and caring for people will get me a long way I also know I’m a true natural when it come to children and there need just making sure that our next generation of kids will not see thing I’m seeing now as a young lady I am pouring back into my community by working with younger children to give them a better understanding why it’s so important to stay focus and finish school so at this point I can truly say i am the example for the youth I am assisting at this time im my community and family and this is my purpose 

Effort is everything

Yesterday we learned when you put in the effort you are guaranteed to get better results rather than not putting in the effort. The speaker talked about how being smart is overrated, and how being talented is overrated. He asked a  question  that had me thinking. He asked, “how many people you know that are very talented but they're not doing anything to the level that they should with the natural talent they have?” He also talked about how he applied effort to his daily life.


Hi, I'm Cierra Smith. I am a student at  cedar grove high school. My favorite color is green. My favorite subject is math. I don’t like to talk as much as others. My academic this school year goals are to get good grades, stay focused, and learn as much as I can.

Native American language

Today we wrote down 4 definitions which were myth, legends, religion, and origin myth. I knew the definition of myth, religion, and legends. But I didn't know what origin myths were until today. The definition of Origin myth is the creation of earth, humans, and plants with similarities to the Bible and similarities to mythology as well. We also read an example of one called Navajo Creation. 

Complex text

Today we broke down a complex text. We had a class discussion about it.We wrote down some notes.

Figurative language

Today We had a Review on figurative language. And we had to fill out a worksheet and turn it end by the end of class